• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / Chemistry/Unit 10

Unit 10

In unit 10 of chemistry we will explore solution formation. We begin the unit by looking at the dissolving properties of water. Solute, solvent, and solution formation will be explored using a variety of mediums. Students will then explore the relationship between bonding and conductivity. Next, students will look at the relationship between temperature and solubility through lab. Then students will be asked to determine the strength of solutions mathematically using molarity, molality, percent solution, and dilution calculations. This will be done by dissecting soda and finding the amount of carbon dioxide and sugar within a given solution. We will also dissect margarine to find the percent of water in regular vs. lite. The final concept we will explore is freezing and boiling point changes of solutions. We will make root beer floats and examine how regular vs. diet soda interacts with the ice cream.

Week of April 20th-24:  Water and solutions & Supersaturation lab

Weekly Parent/Student Newsletter

Notes and objectives
Unit 10 note packet
Unit 10 objectives

Introduction to water and solutions
Unit 10 problem set 1
Key to unit 10 problem set 1

Supporting Powerpoints:
Properties of water (videos 1 and 2)

Videos for problem set 1 (6 mini videos-!The first is 9 minutes and the rest are under 3 min. each)  Note taking day-this covers the first 1 and 1/2 pages of the unit 10 note packet.
Video 1:  Hydrogen bonding and notepacket unit 10

Video 2:  Solute vs. Solvent

Video 3:  Like Dissolves Like

Video 4: Electrolytes

Video 5:  Hydrated Crystals

Video 6: Heterogeneous solutions


Supporting PowerPoint  and Video for supersaturation lab
PowerPoint: Unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions defined 

Introduction to rate of dissolving and solutions types.  The first 5 minutes and 30 seconds are what you need to watch to complete the lab.  The last 5 minutes of the video is for material that will be covered next week. 
Video on Solubility and Graphs

Supersaturation mini lab handout
Key to Supersaturation lab

Videos for the Supersaturtion Lab (parts 1 and 2)
Part 1:

Part 2

Key to unit 10 problem set 1
Key to Supersaturation lab

Week of April 27th-May 1st: Solubility graphs, simulation lab, Henry's Law, and Molarity 

Supporting PowerPoint for Solubility and graphing
PowerPoint: Parts of solutions, rates of dissolving, & solubility

Solubility graphing worksheet
Key to Solubility grapning worksheet
page 1
page 2
Video on solubility and graphs (10 min)  Please watch from 5:30 of the video to the end (the last 5 min.) to learn what a solubility graph is and what it tells you before doing the worksheet.  (The first five minutes and 30 seconds review rate of dissolving and solution types.)

Henry's Law and Molarity Calculations
Supporting PowerPoint for Molarity Calculations

Video with examples of Henry's Law and Molarity (16 min.)

Unit 10 problem set 2 (solubility rates, Henry's law, & Molarity)
Key to unit 10 problem set 2

Video for making a solution

Concentration and Molarity Simulation Lab

Key to Concentration and Molarity lab
page 1

page 2

Unit 10 quiz on Learning Objectives: 

A quiz on learning objectives 6,7,8. This includes unit 10 problem set 1, Supersaturation lab, Graphing ws. and first part of PS2 (non math questions).


Week of May 4th-May 8th : Molarity, Dilution, and % Solution

Concentrate on your soda lab activity
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Concentrate on you soda video (featuring a NHS chem. teacher)

Video on Dilution and % solution by Lange

Video with a 3 sample dilution problems

Unit 10 problem set 3
Key to unit 10 problem set 3

Week of May 11th-May 15th :Colligative Properties and Quiz on Problem sets 2 (math only), 3, and 4.

Colligative Properties video by Lange

Colligative properties with visual examples

Why do we put salt on ice covered roads? (3 min. video)

Unit 10 problem set 4
Key for unit 10 problem set 4

Canvas quiz on Problem sets 2(math only), 3, and 4.