• (715) 852-6300

Director:  Aurora Krajnikconde, email   715-852-6359  

Choir is a great place for students who love to sing! We work hard to perform some amazing music! The main choir classes are Treble Choir, Mixed Choir, and Concert Choir (auditioned). There are two other auditioned choir classes, Old Abe Show Choir and Madrigals/A Cappella Choir—both of these groups have fun competing each year. There is also Eagle Show Choir (prep group), which is a club that meets on Tuesday evenings.  No experience needed—come and join our choir family!
School Musical: White Christmas (click here for details)
Any Memorial student is welcome to audition for our school musical this year, White Christmas!  White Christmas is a classic musical with jazzy songs by Irving Berlin and fun dancing.  There are several lead and supporting roles available as well as a large ensemble.  Auditions are on September 5th and 6th with rehearsals starting on September 11th.  Show dates are Nov 10-12.  We also need students to help with tech, stage crew, and the pit orchestra.