ECASD Families: Do you need your username and password for Skyward Family Access? Click here Private School/Homeschool/4K Families: Do you need a Student ID and access to Skyward Family Access? Click here REGISTRATION INFORMATION Summer Registration for programming and busing will take place from March 1 - March 28 Registration for ECASD Athletics will remain open all summer One page document on how to register for classes in Skyward - Click Here Registration video on how to register for programs in Skyward, how to join a waitlist, and how to register for busing - Click Here If you have registration issues or need translation services on March 1st, please call our hotline from 8:00am - 12:00pm - (715)-852-3141 This number is open on March 1st from 8:00am - 12:00pm only! If registering for summer classes using a mobile device, choose the “Open in Browser” link for access instead of the App.