• (715) 852-3000

Lead Safe Practices


All or portions of the following facilities owned or used by the Eau Claire Area School District were constructed using lead paint:

            Administration Building
            Career Development Center
            Sam Davey Elementary School
            Delong Middle School
            Chippewa Valley Montessori Charter School
            Little Red Elementary School
            Locust Lane Elementary School
            Longfellow Elementary School
            Manz Elementary School
            McKinley Charter School
            Memorial High School
            North High School
            Putnam Heights Elementary School
            Robbins Elementary School
            Roosevelt Elementary School
            Service Center
            Sherman Elementary School

The lead painted surfaces in these facilities is monitored and maintained in accordance with the federal EPA’s (Renovation, Repair, and Painting Final Rule – 40 CFR 745) rules and regulations. In addition, maintenance and removal of lead paint is conducted on a continuing basis throughout the District.
The leaded dust generated by traditional renovation work can cause lead poisoning in children. It can also poison pregnant women, you, other workers and even pets. Practical changes in work practices can minimize and contain dust. The use of lead-safe work practices make the job safer and reduce your liability exposure.
The following is a brochure published by the Federal government to assist the public in understanding the dangers of lead paint. It is also available at each facility.

Renovate Right Lead Brochure