Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Education are held the first and third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. These meetings are held in the Board Room of the Administration Building at 500 Main Street. If the meeting location should differ, the location will be noted on the agenda.
All meetings are open to the public except the closed session portion of the meeting. The Board often meets more than twice a month. The public is always notified of these meetings through the local media and on the District website
Meeting agendas and supporting materials can be found by selecting the
Board Meeting Materials link and clicking on the meeting date.
School Board meetings are streamed live via YouTube and recorded. If you wish to listen and watch a livestream of the meeting, please go here: You can also watch segments of each meeting via
BoardDocs by opening the agenda and clicking on the film icon

for a particular agenda item.
There are several parts to School Board agendas - Adoption of Agenda, Recognition, Public Forum, Reports, Consent Agenda, Focus on Results, Monitoring District Results, Matters Reserved for Board Action, Board Development, Board Debrief, and the Closed Session. The Adoption of Agenda, Public Form, Reports, and Consent Agenda appear on each agenda. Other items are added to the agenda per the
Board's Annual Work Calendar and as needed.
During the
Adoption of Agenda the Board formally adopts their agenda for the evening to guide their work and keep discussion focused.
Recognition, the Superintendent recognizes good news from the schools to acknowledge student and staff achievements.
During the
Public Forum citizens are allowed up to four minutes to address the Board and share viewpoints on District or school-wide concerns. To review the procedures for speaking at meetings please click on this link:
Speaking at Meetings
During the
Reports, any Board committees and the Legislative Liaison provide brief updates. Additional reports may be added when needed.
For the
Consent Agenda the Board has been furnished with background material on each item or has discussed it at a previous meeting. Items are acted upon with one vote without discussion. If a Board member wants to discuss any item, it will be pulled out of the consent agenda and voted on separately. There are two Consent Agendas. The Superintendent's Consent Agenda contains items the Board has delegated to the Superintendent, but the Board must still legally act upon. The Board's Consent Agenda contains items that belong to the Board and have not been delegated.
In the
Focus on Results portion of the meeting, the Board reviews data or other information important to the Board's work outside the regular monitoring of policies.
Monitoring District Results the Superintendent presents monitoring reports and the Board evaluates the Superintendent's compliance in relation to Board policies.
In the
Matters Reserved for Board Action portion of the meeting, the Board reviews and, if necessary, takes action upon any items necessary that the Board cannot or chose not to delegate to the Superintendent.
Board Development the Board works on special topics together including learning for their own development and planning for the future.
In the
Board Debrief portion of the meeting the Board reviews the meeting including what went well and what Board members would like to see improved in the future.
Some information the Board receives must be held as confidential information. Board business such as salary negotiations for employees must be considered over a period of time because of the very nature of the procedures. Items of this type are handled in
Closed Session. The School District is governed under the open meeting law for closed session. Announcements must be made as to topics that will be discussed in the closed session.