• (715) 852-3000

Some Additional Resources

Most elementary online resources, including the Tumblebook Library, Learn360, Pebble Go, Pebble Go Next and Capstone Interactive are accessible through the Clever Portal.

Enterprise Online Public Access Catalog
Search for books and other resources

Explora, Explora for Secondary Schools [Video: How to Use Explora] Encyclopædia Britannica, Magazines, Newspapers, 
Novelist, LitFINDER,TeachingBooks, WISCAT, Recursos para Hispanohablantes

Wisconsin First Nations educational resources
Collection of videos, resources, lesson plans, and more. 

The Ways
Great Lakes Native language and culture: videos and resources

PBS Wisconsin Education
Into the Map, Into the Book, Wisconsin Biographies, and more

K-6 Instructional Materials and Supplies Online Ordering

Login information:
Username/email = ecasd5@ecasd.us
Password = paper105

Username/email = ecasd6@ecasd.us
Password = paper106

TumbleBook Library
Direct link to eBooks for Kids

StoryLine Online

MORE (My Online Resource)

L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library