• (715) 852-3000


What happens if my family is in a temporary housing situation?

The Eau Claire Area School District is committed to providing a welcoming environment for all families, no matter their housing situation. Families that are in a living situation that qualifies as homeless, as defined by the McKinney Vento federal law have rights and access to resources. Eligible temporary housing situations include:

  • Persons sharing housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reasons

  • Primary residence is motel, hotel, trailer park or campground

  • Living in an emergency or transitional shelter unit

  • Abandoned in hospital

  • Primary nighttime residence is public or private place not designed for sleeping

  • Living in a car, park, public space, abandoned building, bus or train station, or similar settings

  • Living in substandard housing (residence lacks essential elements making it inadequate for human habitation)
  • Migratory children who are living in the situations described above
Don't let lack of documentation keep you from enrolling! Call our Homeless Liason for more information. 

Dani Graham
Homeless Liaison
(715) 852-3044

Eligible children have the right to:

  • Receive a free, appropriate public education

  • Enroll in school immediately and attend classes, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment

  • Enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin if that is their preference and is feasible
  • Receive transportation assistance to and from the school of origin, if eligible
  • Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students
  • Receive free meal program benefits immediately without completing paperwork

ECASD McKinney-Vento Brochure
ECASD McKinney-Vento Student Placement Dispute Resolution Process

Please  visit our ECASD Family Services page.