•  (715) 852-6600
Advisor: Renee Morehead
715-852-6695, Rm 141

Advisor: Alisa Schrader

FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.

Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop “skills for life” – planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication – necessary in the home and work place.  

Our mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development and focuses on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader. For more information visit the links listed on the right side of this page.

Meetings at North H.S. are typically Wed. afterschool in Room 141 (Ms. Morehead) or as posted on our FCCLA bulletin board – Commons area. Everyone is welcome to attend.