• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / Chemistry/Unit 8

Unit 8

In unit 8, students will be studying states of matter, heat, and phase changes. We will begin the unit by studying the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. We will then relate changes of phase to heat. To understand heat, we will observe heat flow demos. and relate the demos. to the terms endothermic and exothermic. Then we will learn about components of heat and use the heat equation to measure values of heat in both calories and joules. Then we will explore how the calorie content of food is derived and how the heat of a solution (such as a hot pack) is measured. Finally, we will apply heat to phase changes of substances. We will plot phase change diagrams and use the diagrams to mathematically calculate the amount of heat absorbed or released during boiling, freezing, etc.
Notes and objectives Unit 8 Problems Sets Labs and Activities