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Faculty / Physics/Unit 7

Unit 7

In unit 7 physics we will be studying energy types and the transfer of energy. We will begin the unit by studying Hook’s Law and elastic energy. Then we will explore the relationship of elastic energy to potential energy, kinetic energy, and work in laboratory.
The laboratory will help us develop mathematical equations that we will then apply to other real life situations. Finally, we will calculate the work and power needed to change the amount of energy in an object.


Glencoe book:  Physics:  Principles and Problems
Suggested reading:  Pages 284-301  This reading covers the various types of energy, energy diagrams, and sample energy calculations.  This reading also demonstrates how work is related to changes in energy.



  1. Lesson 1 - Basic Terminology and Concepts

    1. Definition and Mathematics of Work

    2. Calculating the Amount of Work Done by Forces

    3. Potential Energy

    4. Kinetic Energy

    5. Mechanical Energy

    6. Power

  2. Lesson 2 - The Work-Energy Relationship

    1. Internal vs. External Forces

    2. Analysis of Situations Involving External Forces

    3. Analysis of Situations in Which Mechanical Energy is Conserved

    4. Application and Practice Questions

    5. Bar Chart Illustration

Work and Energy


Roller Coaster Model

Up. Down. Spin around. Amidst all the rising, falling and turning of a roller coaster ride is heaps of physics. The Roller Coaster Model allows a learner to explore some of this physics. Whether it is the first drop, a loop, or a collection of dips and hills, you will be able to study it all with this Interactive. Use three pre-designed tracks or design your own. Let the car roll and watch as energy changes form and force, accceleration, and velocity vectors change their size and direction. Explore on your own or use The Physics Classroom's ready-to-use exercise.

Chart That Motion (Must complete for Unit 7 Test Retake)
Work-energy bar charts are a common tool used in many physics courses. They are a conceptual tool that illustrates what is happening to the total amount of energy possessed by an object. Changes (or lack of changes) in the amount of energy and the form of energy are visually displayed by these charts. Improve your skill of constructing work-energy bar charts with this Interactive.