• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / Chemistry/Unit 11

Unit 11

In unit 11 of chemistry we will explore acids and bases.  We will begin the unit by exploring the properties of acids and bases in lab.  Next we will cover acid-base calculations and pH.  Finally, we will explore neutralization reactions and their importance to the real world.

Notes and objectives
Unit 11 notepacket
Unit 11 objectives

May 11th-15th

Introductory Lab for the Properties of Acids and Bases

Acids and Bases Online Lab.docx

You can copy the data tables into your notebook or use the ones provided.  Go to this site: 

https://education.abc.net.au/res/i/L5814/index.html (Links to an external site.)

If your device says that Flash is blocked.  You may have to allow.  If you're not given that option you can try following  these steps below:

1) Click on the lock icon to the left of the web address. 

2) Use drop down menu and choose site settings.  

3) Under permissions choose flash and allow. 

*You many have to reload the site.  
Note:  If you cannot get it to work, please email me and I will send you a plan B option.  No worries please!!

Key for the Acid and Base lab
page 1
page 2

May 18th-21st

PowerPoint for Properties of Acids and Bases

Video by Lange on properties, naming/formula writing review, and types of Acids and Bases (pg 1 of the notepacket for unit 11)

Unit 11 problem set
Unit 11 problem set 1
*Naming sheet
*Polyatomic ion sheet
Key to unit 11 problem set 1

Introduction to pH video

 Video by Lange on the water constant, Kw and H+ concentration, OH- concentration, pH and pOH calculations

Unit 11 problem set 2
pH cheat sheet

PowerPoint of pH problems worked out

Key to unit 11 problem set 2


May 26th-29th

Optional review practice quiz

Key to optional review practice quiz

Quiz on Acids and Bases on Wednesday, May 27th