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Faculty / Physics/Unit 5

Unit 5

In unit 5 of physics we will be studying forces, mass, and acceleration. We will begin the unit by studying how different types of forces affect the motion of a car on a slight incline. Next we will draw force diagrams and determine from the drawing whether an object will stay at rest, continue moving with a constant velocity, or accelerate. Then we will study vectors and their relationships to forces and geometry. Law of sine, cosine, etc. will be reviewed and applied to suspended objects, objects on an incline, and objects in freefall. We will investigate these principles in both laboratory and mathematically. This will allow us to make predictions based on unbalance forces and Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

Glencoe book:  Physics:  Principles and Problems

Suggested reading:  Chapter4-5 pages88-92 and 131-135.  This reading shows how a net force will lead to the acceleration of an object, provides sample force diagrams, and sample problems.

The Physics Classroom Online Tutorial

Newtons Second Law of Motion
  1. Types of Forces
  2. Drawing Free-Body Diagrams
  3. Determining the Net Force
  4. Newton's Second Law
  5. The Big Misconception
  6. Finding Acceleration
  7. Finding Individual Forces
  8. Free Fall and Air Resistance
  9. Double Trouble

The Physics Classroom Online Interactives

Everyone is fascinated by pulleys. In this Interactive, learners will attach two objects together by a string and stretch the string over a pulley. Both an Atwood's machine and a modified Atwood's machine can be created and studies. Change the amount of mass on either object, introduce friction forces, and measure distance and time in order to calculate the acceleration

You might have wondered why you get that queasy feeling in an elevator as you start up and slow down. The phenomenon is explained by some simple physics. This Interactive allows a learner to explore the physics behind the sensations of weightlessness and weightiness ... and you won't get sick in the process.

Rocket Sledder
Created by our friends at Nerd Island Studios, this Interactive illustrates the effect of friction, air resistance, and applied force upon a sledder. The speed, acceleration, and force values are displayed as the sled moves. Learners can vary the mass of the sledder and the size of the parachute that is attached to it. 

Created by our friends at Nerd Island Studios, this Interactive allows the learner to explore the motion of an object falling under the influence of air resistance. Force arrows and values are shown as the object falls. A speedometer displays the speed of the object; the height is listed as well. The mass of the falling object and the size of its parachute can be varied. Enjoy the Skydiving Interactive without the fear of falling.