• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / Physics/Unit 2

Unit 2

Physics is presented using the “Modeling” technique.  Each unit begins with a demonstration of a physical event.  Students are asked to identify variables/terms that may affect or change the way the physical event occurs. (Ex:  a toy car moving down a ramp?.friction, mass of car, tire size, etc.)  From this demonstration, students identify two variables, both an independent and a dependent variable that will be used to perform an experiment.  Data is then collected, graphed, manipulated to form a best fit line, and a math model is formed using the formula y = m x + b.  Then laboratory findings are shared with the class, data consolidated, and a general equation is derived.  This equation is then used in real life applications using problem-solving techniques.

In Unit 2, we will apply these concepts to study motion on the x-axis.  We will explore the terms distance, displacement, time, speed, velocity, and their relationships to graphical interpretation.  We will also mathematically manipulate these variables to form new relationships.

Glencoe book:  Physics:  Principles and Problems
Suggested reading:  Chapter 2 pages 31-47.  This reading explains distance, displacement, speed, velocity, vector vs. scalar measurements, and associated graphs with math models.

The Physics Classroom Online Tutorial:
The Physics Classroom Multimedia Studios -1-Dimensional Kinematics
The Physics Classroom Physics Interactives-1-Dimensional Kinematics
  • Vector Walk-Distance vs Displacment Interactive Activity