• (715) 852-3000


The Eau Claire Area School District Compensation System was designed in the 2014-15 and 2015-2016 school year by a joint committee of Eau Claire Area School District teachers, administrators, and school board members.  The Eau Claire Area School District Compensation System has been collaboratively designed to promote leadership, encourage collaboration, and improve student achievement through instructional best practice. 

Certified Compensation Plan
The Certified Compensation Plan includes information around specific requirements for level advancement, retention, salary placement for new hires, labor market factors, how to advance on the salary schedule with a Master's or Doctorate Degree, additional compensation for those who participate in National Boards, and can direct you to the Certified Salary Schedule itself. 

Hourly Compensation Plan
The Hourly Compensation Plan includes information around specific requirements for level advancement, retention, salary placement for new hires, labor market factors, and can direct you to the Hourly Salary Schedule itself.

Non-Affiliated Compensation Plan
The Non-Affiliated Compensation Plan includes information around specific requirements for level advancement, retention, salary placement for new hires, labor market factors, how to advance on the salary schedule with a  Doctorate Degree, additional compensation for those who participate in National Boards, and can direct you to the Non-Affiliated Salary Schedule itself. 

Job Description and Labor Market Review Cycle
For more information regarding the Labor Market Review, click the link above.