• (715) 852-3000

Family Advisory Council

Family involvement and cooperative partnerships -- enhancing the education of our children.

2023-2024 Meeting Dates
2023-2024 FAC Members, Meeting Dates, & Meeting Minutes can be found by clicking

What is FAC?
The Family Advisory Council (formerly Parent Advisory Council) is made up of two family representatives from the early learning school, two representatives for each elementary school, three representatives from each middle school, and four representatives from each high school in the Eau Claire Area School District.  The FAC fosters communication between families and school district administration. We believe communication is necessary for quality and excellence in our children’s education.
Parent Input
As members prepare for the upcoming academic year we need your help.  The Family Advisory Council would like to receive agenda items for discussion and review.  Please contact your school FAC representative with items that we can research for discussion. The Family Advisory Council is there to help families and administrators with concerns. WE WANT YOUR INPUT.

What We Do
The FAC presents the concerns, opinions, questions, and perspectives of families to the superintendent and school administrators. While the FAC does not make decisions on policies, we do make recommendations to the Eau Claire School Board.  This feedback enables the administration to make informed decisions about District-wide issues. 

When and Where?
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month beginning in October through May.  Meetings are from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and are held at the Administration Building at 500 Main Street in Room 137.