• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / US History/1930's - Great Depression

The 1930's:

The Stock Market Crash, The Great Depression & Rise of Dictators

Carson Park during construction in 1937 by the WPA, a government
program that put men to work during the Great Depression.
Photo courtesy of the Chippewa Valley Museum.

The stock market crash of 1929, economic decline, & one of the worst droughts will set the stage for one of the most difficult decades in our history.  The 1930's were a time of struggle & hardship that will bring social, economic, & political changes to occur in our government & around the world.  The troubles of the Great Depression were so deep that it will take the rise of dictators & a world war to end it.

Unit Length: approx. 9 days

Carson Park is still used today by many area baseball teams of varying
levels of play.

Interactive Notes
Rise of Dictators Chart