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Faculty / Enriched English 10/The Pursuit of Happiness
Modern American Literature Link
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The Pursuit of Happiness

Academic Performance Standards: A.12.1, A.12.2, A.12.3, A.12.4, D.12.1, C.12.3, B.12.1, B.12.2, B.12.3

Student Learning Targets: Students will be able to recognize ethos, pathos, logos in other persuasive works and incorporate it into their own. Recognize logical fallacies. Write a persusaive essay that takes a clear position, accurately summarizes an opposing position, refutes that position, and cites persuasive evidence. Determine the purpose of the writer and purpose and focus of the reading while applying previous knowledge and experience.

Class Novel The Great Gatsby
Writing Focus and Summative Assessments Writing a Personal Essay
Multi-genre Research Project