• (715) 852-6300

Mission Statement

The Eau Claire Memorial High School staff, in partnership with students, parents, and community, will educate students in a safe, nurturing, supportive learning environment. Students will develop life-long learning skills, mutual respect, positive self-regard, and active citizenship.

Vision Statements

Eau Claire Area School District:
We challenge minds, build relationships and nurture individual growth to prepare all students for post-secondary success.

Memorial High School:
Every student will graduate from Memorial High School with the necessary skills to access post-secondary educational opportunities.

Memorial High School staff is committed to:

  • The ideal that 100% of Memorial students have the potential to succeed in meeting educational, career and life goals.
  • Engaging in regular, productive collaboration with each other, parents and community to improve professional growth and student achievement.
  • Creating a school and classroom environment which tap into students' intrinsic motivation to learn by demonstrating enthusiasm for content, by making content relevant, and by delivering curriculum using a variety of methods to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Determining and articulating the essential elements of the curriculum and implementing common rubrics and assessments.
  • Adapting instruction to facilitate student mastery of content.
  • Facilitating effective and meaningful learning by fostering positive, respectful relationships, open communication, clear expectations and a genuine interest in each student.
  • Providing school and classroom environments that are aesthetically pleasing, physically and emotionally safe, and which encourage learning for all students

Current School Profile