• (715) 852-6300

Memorial SOAR

Memorial High School appreciates the continued support from students, parents, and staff of the SOAR program at Memorial High School. The goal of SOAR (Safe, Organized, Accountable, Responsible) is to identify and support positive behaviors throughout the school which improves school culture and increases productive instructional time in the classroom.
During the first two weeks of school, students will be taught school-wide expectations during five-minute mini-lessons in their second hour classes—Attendance Procedure, Tardy and Pass Procedures, Make-Up Work Procedures, Cell Phone Procedures, Office Procedures, Positive Hallway Behavior and Lunch Procedures. This will allow staff to tie together building and classroom expectations so that students have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do in all areas of the building.

The focus of the SOAR program this year will be using a 3-step correction loop to help build relationships through conversation when students struggle to meet expectations. 
Step one: When a student is not meeting an expectation, the staff will reteach the desired behavior.
Step Two:  When the student does not meet an expectation the second time, the staff will have a hallway conversation with the student.  The goal of this conversation is to dig deeper into “why” the behavior is occurring.  The idea is to try to help the student brainstorm strategies to meet the expectation.
Step Three: When the student does not meet the expectation the third time, an Office Discipline Referral will be filled out, the teacher will contact the parents to discuss/brainstorm ideas for helping the student, and the administrator will contact the parents.

We thank you for supporting the SOAR program here at MHS!

Classroom Matrix
Classroom teachers display a classroom matrix in their classroom and use to teach students classroom positive behaviors and routines. The purpose of the classroom matrix is to make the expectations of all teachers transparent.  Teaching and reteaching expected behaviors, routines (examples include: to obtain absent work, notes, how to make transitions to small groups or a computer lab, how to obtain a pass for the bathroom, etc.) lowers the number of office discipline referrals that teachers make because the kids "know" what they need to do.  Staff use specific positive feedback to help encourage students to follow their classroom matrix.

Behavior Matrix

The Memorial High School Behavior Matrix links the SOAR Mantra of Safety, Organization, Accountability, and Respectfulness to the expected student behaviors in each part of the building.


NEW 2020 Student Cell Phone Policy Video
New Cell Phone Policy during class time!
Take a lanyard pass and leave your phone.

 When using a lanyard pass during class, leave your cell phone in the area designated by your teacher and pick it up when you return.

  • Any student with a lanyard and their phone in the hall can be issued a lunch detention

  • If you don’t have a phone that day, communicate with your teacher

The reason for the policy is to help with:

  1. Increased safety and privacy in bathrooms.

      2.  Less instructional time              lost on bathroom breaks.

  1. Video 1
  2. Video 2
  3. Video 3
  4. Video 4
  5. Video 5


9th-10th Grade PowerPoint
11th Grade FASFA Sheet
11th Grade College Application Checklist
Senior Meeting Agenda
Senior Calendar
12th Grade PowerPoint
9th-11th Grade PowerPoint
9th & 10th Grade PowerPoint
11th Grade PowerPoint
     ACT Key Points sheet
12th Grade PowerPoint
     FAFSA Key Points Sheet
10th & 11th Grade PowerPoint
 9th Grade PowerPoint
Cell phone PowerPoint School Wide Picnic