• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / Enriched English 10/The Power of Persuasion
Post-Modern American Literature
Click for more information on Post-Modern American literature

The Power of Persuasion

 Academic Performance Standards: B.12.1, B.12.2, B.12.3, A.12.1, A.12.2, A.12.3, A.12.4, D.12.1, C.12.3

Student Learning Targets: Students will be able to explian how details for language, setting, plot, character, conflict, point of view, and voice in a work of literature combine to produce a dominant tone, effect or theme. Be aable to employ comparison/contrast organizational strategies. Write an essay which compares and contrasts two topics by defining, exploring and evaluating appropriate material.

Class Novel    
Things They Carried, July, July, In the Lake of the Woods, Going After Cacciato, Northern Lights by Tim O'Brien

Drama Choice    
The Crucible

Writing Focus and Summative Assessments  
Comparison/Contrast Essay and Timed Writing (using examples).   Persuasive Essay and Persusaive Speech.   Creating and Performing a Dramatic Scene