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Faculty / Enriched English 10/American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas
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American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas

  Curricular Relevance: Meets Academic Performance Standards: A.12.1, E12.2, E.12.4, ITLS.A.12.2, ITLSA12.6, ITLS D.12.2.

Student Learning Targets: Students will be able to develop and apply evaluative criteria of accuracy and point of view to news media, including pring, broadcast and online resources. Analyze the content and effect of subtle persuasive techniques used in news media. Evaluate the impact of various market factors on the effectiveness of media production and distribution. Identify the impact of image and context on particular audiences receiveing the same message. Develop a news media product. Evaluate the choice of words, expressions, and style considering the purpose and context of communication. Participate effectively and appropriately in class and small group discussions.

Various Essays and articles, Of Mice and Men

Writing Focus and Assessments    
Using rhetoirc and developing voice in writing is the focus of the unit . Assignments and exercises found in Spring Board Level 6. Creating an Op-Ed page and Writing a Satirical Piece