• (715) 852-6300
Faculty / Christina-Schroeder/Enriched English 10

Enriched English 10

Welcome to Enriched English 10

Course Overview:

Enriched English 10 is a two-semester course focusing on both literary and composition skills. This class will follow American literature using the Spring Board (College Board/AP prep) materials which incorperate concepts from literary movements in connection with their authors and historical influences. Each unit will contain literary work (reading assignments will include novels, short stories, essays) as well as  a writing focus (writing assignments will include various essays and reflections). The titles or focus for each unit are the following:  "The American Dream", "American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas", "The Power of Persuasion", "An American Journey", "The Pursuit of Happiness"

*Note the difference between Enriched English 10 and English 10. Enriched English 10 provides both breadtha nd depth in preparing students to become world citizens and university students. Emphasis is on American literature which allows for connections to history, art, architecture, music and culture. Writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, critical thinking and discussion are emphasized in this class to provide a smoother transition for students into AP classes and university classes. Enriched English 10 students should expect several writing assignments as well as reading assignments, but less class time to work on assignments.


  • Methods of evaluation include the following: essays, paragraphs, discussions, quizzes, tests, exams, performances, projects, and speeches.
  • A grading sheet or rubric will be provided to students prior to all major assessments.  Please note that presentation of the essay or written evaluation is important as well; therefore, students are expected to type essays and follow heading guidelines (hand-written essays will not be accepted).
  • All essays may be rewritten for an improved score, however, the first version must have been completed, handed in on time and show effort. Re-written work must be submitted with not only the original draft, but also a self reflective paragraph about improvements to paper and reasoning for changes. Rewritten work  turned in during the same grading period (quarter) as it was assigned. Failure to meet these requirements will result in an unchanged score.
  • Formative assessments will be radomly collected for completion. Students are expected to keep a compostion journal with daily quick writes and grammar/vocab in the room at their tables.

Late Work :

  • The expectation for Enriched English 10 is that students are engaged and participating in class activites and discussion.
  • Students are expected to complete all assignments by the indicated due dates. Late work follows school policy.
  • All major projects and papers (unit assessments) due dates are given at least seven days in advance. The due date(s) for major assignments is typically over a span of three to five days. The assignment is due the last day (if the students is absents, please have someone drop off the assignment at school).
  • Students will not receive any points for late assignments (unless it is excused).

Recommended Supplies:

  • Three ring binder
  • composition notebook
  • Highlighters and pens