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Faculty / English 12/Class In-Depth Study
Class In-Depth Study

Class In-Depth Study

Class In-Depth Study will focus on the topic of food. We will study various aspects about food through non-ficition works, articles, interviews, documentaries, various local speakers and film. As a class, we will create an example project that students will use to create thier own senior project. Texts for this unit include the following: Fast Food Nation, Chew on This, Botany of Desire, Omnivore's Dilemma. Films for this unit include: Supersize Me, The Future of Food, King Corn, Food Inc, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Michael Pollen's interviews.
State Standards:
A.12.4 Students will read to acquire information.
  • Apply tests of logic and reasoning to informational and persuasive texts
  • Analyze and synthesize the concepts and details encountered in informational texts such as reports, technical manuals, historical papers, and government documents
  • Draw on and integrate information from multiple sources when acquiring knowledge and developing a position on a topic of interest
  • Evaluate the reliability and authenticity of information conveyed in a text, using criteria based on knowledge of the author, topic, and context and analysis of logic, evidence, propaganda, and language
E.12.1 Use computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information.
  • Design, format, and produce attractive word-processed documents for various purposes Incorporate information from databases and spreadsheets into reports Integrate graphics appropriately into reports, newsletters, and other documents Retrieve and reproduce documents across various platforms Use on-line sources to exchange information Develop and apply evaluative criteria of accuracy and point of view to broadcast news programs Recognize and explain the impact of various media on daily life Analyze the content and effect of subtle persuasive techniques used on-line and in broadcast and print media Develop and apply criteria for evaluating broadcast programming Create multimedia presentations in connection with major projects, such as research reports or exhibitions
  • Develop various media products to inform or entertain others in school or the community such as slide shows, videos, newspapers, sound recordings, literary publications, and brochures
F.12.1 Conduct research and inquiry on self-selected or assigned topics, issues, or problems and use an appropriate form to communicate their findings.
  • Formulate questions addressing issues or problems that can be answered through a well defined and focused investigation
  • Use research tools found in school and college libraries, take notes, collect and classify sources, and develop strategies for finding and recording information
  • Conduct interviews, taking notes or recording and transcribing oral information, then summarizing the results
  • Develop research strategies appropriate to the investigation, considering methods such as questionnaires, experiments, and field studies
  • Organize research materials and data, maintaining a note-taking system that includes summary, paraphrase, and quoted material
  • Evaluate the usefulness and credibility of data and sources by applying tests of evidence, including bias, position, expertise, adequacy, validity, reliability, and date