Financial Assistance Information

Financial Aid Information/FAFSA

FAFSA Application
FAFSA Presentation (2024-2025)
Financial Aid Information Powerpoint
FAFSA Filing Flier

General Scholarship Introduction

Directions: Students, please read the scholarship information below carefully so you are informed and prepared. Following the introductory scholarship materials found below, you will start to see 2023-24 scholarships added as they become available to ECVS.  

Important: If you are applying for scholarships, please read all scholarship applications carefully! Scholarship applications are not meant to be a scan or glance at document.  

Pay attention to deadlines so you have adequate time to apply and submit a high-quality application.  If you need help or have questions, please email, or call Mrs. Steig, ECVS (Eau Claire Virtual School) School Counselor, at or 715-852-3508.  

Dream Big, Stay Positive & Work Hard! Go Griffins! 

Mrs. Lisa Steig, ECVS School Counselor, posts the scholarship applications as they arrive throughout the school year. Applications and application information will be posted on this page for easy reference.  

Many scholarships require ACT and/or SAT scores. Students are advised to take these tests beginning the second semester of their junior year. Although many scholarships are based on grades and test scores, many are also based on other criteria such as character, extra-curricular activities, volunteer work, overcoming adversity and financial need.  

It is important to note that scholarships are designed for many types of career interests and GPAs vary. 

Tips for Winning Scholarships 

  • Please do not wait until May of your senior year to start applying for scholarships. Start checking now! 

  • Choose references that will say good things about you and give them at least two to three weeks to write a letter of recommendation for you. Brag sheets are provided during your Senior meeting with Mrs. Steig. 

  • Transcripts can be requested through Parchment and are free of charge. If you need a hard copy of your transcript, please email Mrs. Steig at 

  • Be very neat and follow directions. When possible, always type unless applications request handwriting. 

  • Follow deadlines. Applications submitted after deadlines (dates and/or times) will not be accepted. 

  • On a scholarship resume, more is better. Be sure to include everything you have done since ninth grade (ex. activities, work, leadership) 

  • Never pay for scholarship information. 

  • There are various FREE searches for nation-wide scholarships. One example is: 

  • UW-HELP and SallieMae also have additional FREE resources when looking for scholarship opportunities:                          

  • School Specific Scholarships:  Please contact the post-secondary school of your choice to ask about any potential scholarships you may be eligible for. Most schools have a scholarship tab to click on to help get you started. If you do not see a scholarship tab, you could call the Office of Financial Aid to help you connect with school specific scholarships. 

    Current Scholarship Postings as of January 27, 2025

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER & NOTICE (Please see below)  

    Eau Claire Area School District has provided material distribution for outside community resources/services/opportunities that may be of interest to families in the ECASD.    

    The distribution of this information/material does not in any way, shape, or form, constitute an endorsement by the Eau Claire Area School District (including its Board of Education, Administrators and Staff) of that resource, or any views or facts expressed by or through that resource, or otherwise imply any association of that resource with the Eau Claire Area School District.  

    Eau Claire Area School District makes no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the content, completeness, accuracy, currency, or adequacy of information, facts, views, opinions, statements, and recommendations espoused by or through any of the informational fliers. 

    Eau Claire Area School District disclaims all liability of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use of, or inability to use, the resources identified on the fliers. Eau Claire Area School District is not responsible for any damages, losses, monetary or otherwise, as a result of utilizing any of the resources.  

    Equal Educational Opportunities  

    The district encourages informal resolution of complaints concerning alleged discrimination. If any person believes that the Eau Claire Area School District or any part of the school organization has failed to follow the law and rules of §118.13, Wis. Stats., the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX, Title VI, or Section 504 or in some way discriminates against students on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability he/she can bring or send a complaint to Mr. Dang Yang, Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 500 Main Street, Eau Claire, WI 54701. Mr. Yang can be reached at 715-852-3069.   Nondiscrimination Policy