Academics - The Virtual Learning Experience
Students enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade will be taught with a licensed teacher from Wisconsin. Students engage in live lessons for reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. In addition, students also engage in live lessons for music, art, physical education and library. Through online discussions and cooperative learning opportunities, students build social skills and problem-solving abilities. In grades k-3 students follow the Wisconsin state standards, using Eau Claire Area School district curriculum, while grades 4-5 use Pearson Connexus as their main curriculum and learning platform.
Grade 6
Students enrolled in 6th and 7th grade will be taught with a licensed teacher from Wisconsin. Student have Pearson teachers for the vast selection of electives including art, music, physical education, Spanish and more! Students will engage in live lessons using Microsoft Teams with their teacher where they will explore the core subjects including ELA, Science, Social Studies and Math. During these meetings there is opportunity for guided socialization with classmates. Students in ECVS learn how to use their free time effectively, make connections with others in an online setting, and build problem solving skills. In grades 6-7, students follow the Wisconsin state standards supported by the Pearson Connexus curriculum.
Grades 7-12
Students enrolled in grades 8-12 learn from Pearson teachers supported by the Pearson Connexus curriculum. There are a large number of courses that students may choose from to meet their graduation requirements once they are in high school. Students in online school learn how to use their free time effectively, make connections with others in an online setting, and build problem solving skills.
Grades K-12, click here to view a recorded meeting and gain more information about Pearson.
Special Education
At ECVS, all students that have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), and whose IEP team determines a free appropriate public education (FAPE) can be provided for through placement at ECVS, will be supported by a licensed special education teacher. The special education teacher provides specially designed instruction in addition to universal instruction. Goals for reading, writing, math, organization and work completion are a few examples of how student learning is supported. Along with specific goal services, other areas of virtual learning are supported; such as navigating the Pearson Connexus curriculum, accessing assistive technology for Pearson, and much more. All special education services are provided virtually.
School Counselor
ECVS has a full-time school counselor. The school counselor’s role incorporates three domains: Academics, Career, and Social-Emotional. The mission of the school counseling program is to assist all students in acquiring and refining the skills, knowledge, and personal assets necessary to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners. This is done through individual and group settings. All services are provided virtually.
Music, Art, and Physical Education
Music, art, and physical education is referred to as MAPE. All students participate in MAPE. Students in grades K-5 are taught with Eau Claire District employees. Students in grades 6-12 have Pearson teachers who specialize in these areas. Students select courses through Pearson with the assistance of the school counselor.
ECVS has a Media and Technology Integration Specialist, or Librarian, who works with students and teachers on literacy and reading engagement, digital tools and citizenship, and research. The librarian meets with students K-7 virtually for regular library lessons, oversees the K-12 ECVS digital library of e-books and audiobooks, and arranges for special events such as virtual author visits and public library gatherings.