What is Eau Claire Virtual School?
ECVS is a virtual charter school that is part of the Eau Claire Area School District.
Who can attend ECVS?
ECVS is open to all K-12 students that live in Wisconsin. Click
here to apply.
When can I enroll in ECVS?
You can enroll at the beginning of the school year and at semester. We do not take enrollments at other times. Specific dates change each year. Make sure to check back on our website for those dates.
Can I enroll Part-Time in my current Brick and Mortar School?
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, part-time attendance will return as an option for ECVS students in grades 6-12. This means they can take up to two classes each day at the middle school they would have attended if they were an in-person student. Students may only take courses where there are open seats, and they must be transported to and from school by their family.
Please contact Debbie Nemitz for the part-time attendance form or for questions about this option. She may be reached at 715-852-3501 or
How do I get materials needed for classes?
Students that access Pearson curriculum will receive materials through the mail from Pearson.
What technology is needed?
For grades K-6, Chromebooks are provided by the Eau Claire Area School District. For grades 7-12, laptops are provided for students.
Who can help with technology issues?
Please reference the ECASD Technology Support Information webpage found here. If you are unable to find what you need, contact the ECASD technology support team at 715-852-3411. The team is available Monday - Friday, 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. If you prefer email, the email address is helpdesk@ecasd.us
Do you provide internet services for ECVS students?
Digital equity has become an urgent issue as schools provide more and more of their students with mobile devices to take home, while 20% of Wisconsin households do not have access to the internet. For many children and adults, the public library is the only source of internet access. The
Internet Discount Finder, created by the Wisconsin Public Services Commission, can help low-income households find discounted internet service. Discounts are as deep as 80%.
Spectrum Internet Assist - Offering discounted home internet for qualifying households. -ECASD offers these links for your reference and has no affiliation and cannot offer any assistance with this process. In addition, ECVS is able to offer Verizon hotspots. Upon enrolling, contact Debra Nimetz at 715-852-3501, or inform your child's teacher. A request for the device will be made on the student's behalf.
How do students attend and complete class work?
Students participate in both synchronous and asynchronous work. Synchronous work refers to times when the student(s) and the teacher(s) meet through Teams to complete lessons and/or assignments. During asynchronous learning the student completes assigned work independently, working at a time convenient for the family schedule and at a pace that is appropriate for the learner. In asynchronous learning, teachers set up the path for learning in previous synchronous meetings.
What is the role fo the learning coach?
ECVS finds that our most successful virtual students have a learning coach that actively monitors students Seesaw assignments and understands the Pearson system. For younger students a learning coach assists in getting students into meetings on time, encouraging and monitoring appropriate behaviors during Teams meetings, assisting in managing materials while lessons are being taught, establishing a consistent learning environment, and consistenly working with the learner to complete asynchronous Seesaw assignments. For students in grade K-12, learning coaches reivew assignments in Pearson, ensuring work completion and assist when needed. All learning coaches should help to establish a consistent routine and schedule to ensure success.
How can I find out more about Pearson?
Pearson assisted ECVS to help orient families to their platform. You can find the recording of that event on our
Academics page, or by clicking
here. We consistently find that our most successful students have a learning coach that understands the Pearson system and knows the activities of their student in that system.
How do I access my Pearson Observer account?
All families have access to see how your student is doing on Pearson activities. If you have an account, you can access it from the ECVS home page at
www.ecasd.us/ecvs. If you forgot your password, click on the three dots next to the word “LOGIN” and then choose “Forgot Password.” If you do not have an observer account, please contact our secretary, Debbie Nemitz, at 715-852-3501 or
Do you still have unanswered questions?
The ECVS Handbook is a helpful guide. Check it out