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Faculty / True Vang: Physical Education Teacher


The Eau Claire Elementary Physical Education Program promotes and enjoyable learning environment where all students develop a strong foundation of movement skills and knowledge through physical activity.

K‐1, 2‐3 Value

1. Develop the ability to perform as well as apply, analyze and evaluate the
fundamental movement skills and movement concepts through educational games,
dance, and gymnastic activities (S1, S2).

2. Develop a sense of personal responsibility when being physically active, including
working independently in an engaged, safe, and positive manner, while treating
others with kindness and respect (S4).

3. Develop the ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities for active play
both at and away from school (S3), and connect these opportunities to the impact
they have on overall health (S3).

4. Develop the beginning ability to reflect upon the relationship between physical
activity and health, enjoyment, self‐expression, challenge and social interaction,
recognizing that there are many different reasons to be physically active. (S5).



The Eau Claire Elementary Physical Education Program empowers all students to choose to
be physically active on a daily basis, using physical play as a way to enjoy life.

4‐5 Grade Values

1. Develop the ability to perform as well as analyze the transferrable specialized
movements skill, concepts and tactics used in invasion, net/wall, target and
field/running game play (S1, S2).

2. Develop the capacity to consistently apply safe, respectful and responsible
behaviors, as well as the ability to analyze and apply self‐regulation skills to a variety of physical activity situations. (S4).

3. Develop the ability to perform as well as create combinations of specialized
movements skills and concepts used in educational dance and gymnastics (S1, S2).

4. Develop the ability to monitor physical activity engagement, and make connection
between various physical activities and the health related fitness components (S3).

Develop the ability to recognize emerging individual interests and values, and
identify the characteristics of physical activity that make it personally motivating.