• (715) 852-5200

Academic & Career Planning

Academic and Career Planning
Hello South Falcon Families! Below you will find some important information about academic and career planning for your students and preparing them for high school. Please take some time to watch the videos and if you have any questions, please email me at 

2023-24 8th Grade Academic & Career Planning Seminar

The link below will take you to the information page about the Business Management Academy. Please take some time to look at this page if you think your student is interested in this program. The courses listed here would be the electives the would take each year and possibly in the summer if accepted into the program.

Introduction to ECASD Academic and Career Planning

ECASD Programs of Study

Career Clusters Pathways


Academic Planning Guide

AVID-Recruitment-letter-20242024-2025 Registration Information
Grade 6 Academic Planning Guide 
Grade 6 Registration Form
January 10 - Mr. Polzer presents to grade 6 about registering for 7th grade during science classes.

January 17 - Mr. Polzer registers 6th graders for 7th grade during science classes.

Grade 7 Academic Planning Guide
Grade 7 Registration Form
Grade 7 Registration Form Chinese
Grade 7 Registration Form Spanish

January 11 - Ms. Kostka presents to grade 7 about registering for 8th grade during social studies classes.

January 18 - Ms. Kostka registers 7th graders for 8th grade during social studies classes.

Grade 8 Academic Planning Guide
Grade 8 Registration Form
Grade 8 Registration Form Arabic
Grade 8 Registration Form Spanish
Grade 8 Registration Form Chinese

January 5 - MHS counselors come to SMS to talke to 8th graders about registering for high school classes during Falcon Tim.

January 8 - There will be an adult registration information night at MHS auditorium at 6PM followed by Open House.

January 12 -  MSH Counselors come to SMS to register 8th graders for high school classes during science class.

Parent information for incoming 6th grade

post secondary programs

Welcome to Student Services

Vision Statement

The South Counseling Department is committed to developing core values in all students we serve by promoting academic success, personal growth, career exploration, student involvement, parent collaboration, and community connections. Students can stop in the counseling office to schedule an appointment with their counselor.
Parents/Guardians who wish to schedule an appointment should contact the counseling office.

7:00 am-3:30 pm
Secretary: Laura Stevens


Maggie Kison
Grade 6

Mike Polzer
Grade 7

Roberta Kostka
Grade 8



Emily Prissel

Image preview

Social Worker

Austin Kruger
Email: akruger@ecasd.us

community counseling services

Callier Clinic: 715-836-0064
Center for Awarness of Sexual Assult (CASA) 715-836-4357
Children's Service Society: 715-835-5915
Clearwater Counseling and Professional Growth Center: 715-832-4060
First Things First: 715-832-8432
Freedom Counseling and Psychological Services: 715-552-7350
Marriage and Family Health Services: 715-832-0238
Marshfield Behavioral Health Clinic: 715-858-4850
The Healing Place (grief and loss issues): 715-717-6028

ECASD Program Contacts

ECASD American Indian Coordinator

Dani Graham
Homeless Program Resource Guide

ECASD Hmong School/Community Liaison
Blia Schwan

ECASD Special Education
Parent Facilitator
Lauri Malnory

In accordance with the counselor's code of ethics, information disclosed in counseling sessions will be held in confidence. This means information shared by the student will remain private, unless there is a safety concern,  or the student has given permission for the information to be disclosed to another party.