• (715) 852-5200

Quarter 4 Sports 2024-2025

April 1 - May 29, 2025


Boys Tennis (Grades 7-8)

South 1:   Coach 
South 2:   Coach
South 3:   Coach 
Date Team Location Time

**Adult must pick up athletes from all EC Schools including Altoona and Regis, a bus does not bring athletes back to South.
Event Locations
Altoona Middle School -10th Street Park, Altoona, WI 54720
DeLong Middle School - 2000 Vine Street, Eau Claire, WI 54703
Menomonie (UW Stout Tennis Courts) - 408 18th Ave E, Menomonie, WI 54751
Northstar Middle School - 2711 Abbe Hill Dr, Eau Claire, WI  54703
Regis Middle School - 2100 Fenwick Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54701
South Middle School - 2115 Mitscher Ave, Eau Claire, WI  54701

Girls Soccer (Grades 6-8)

South 1:   Coach 
South 2:   Coach 
South 3:  Coach
South 4: Coach 

Date Team Location Time


Softball (Grades 7-8)

All Game Times are at 3:45 pm

Date Opponent Location



Date Other Teams Time Location