• (715) 852-5200

Student Council

What is Student Council?

Student Council is a student-led extracurricular activity designed to promote positive school culture. The purpose of SMS Student Council is to give students a voice in what happens at school. Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders come together, share ideas, identify problems, and propose solutions. Your voice and opinion matter! Student Council puts into action the ideas that students have—we work together to make South great. Some initiatives and programs go all year, while others only last one day. Student Council is lead by an all-student Executive Team.

Committees work on completing tasks that align with the SMS mission & vision:
SMS Mission: Inspire and prepare all students to connect, discover, and succeed.  
SMS Vision: Challenge minds, build authentic relationships, and nurture individual growth for all students. 

  • Be Ready, Respectful, Responsible
  • Attend and be on time
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Represent yourself, Student Council, and SMS positively

Some Student Council Initiatives:
  • 8th Grade Dance
  • Concessions at athletic events
  • 8th Grade Celebration
  • Variety Show
  • Student-led announcements
  • Teacher Appreciation
  • Dress-Up Days
  • Red Ribbon Week

Interested in joining?
This activity begins in September and runs through the end of the school year. Students who are interested in joining should watch their email, listen to announcements, and complete the application when it is available in September.

Student Council Application (available in September)

Contact person: Jacque Strayer