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OverDrive Download Library or even better, Try Sora!
Download digital eBooks or audiobooks on your computer,
tablet, smartphone, mp3 player or ereader.

SWANK (Thru Clever on the ECASD Start Page)
K-12 video to support curriculum. Access from home via Clever.
CLICK HERE for more help

Database of Databases
Encyclopædia Britannica, Magazines, Newspapers, Explora
Novelist, LitFINDER, TeachingBooks, WISCAT, and Many More!
-Video: How to Use Explora

Research at EBSCO
Select databases and conduct research

Wisconsin First Nations Educational Resources
Collection of videos, resources, lesson plans, and more. 

The Ways
Great Lakes Native language and culture: videos and resources

Wisconsin Public Television - Education
Into the MapInto the BookWisconsin BiographiesSoundzabound
, and more

Core connections homework help

Core Connections
Enter the username and password assigned to you by your math teacher.